

*Members have access to additional resources after logging in

A Guide to Meaningful Consultation (2024)

This guide provides information on meaningful consultation with parents and caregivers in the B.C. K-12 education system. (COMING SOON) 

Student Voice: Educator's Toolkit

The information, tools and protocols shared in this toolkit are suggested as a way to support transformational change in the school system through the use of student voice.

School Site Accessibility Assessment Tool - Video

This video provides a brief introduction to the BC CAISE School Site Accessibility Assessment resource. Educational leaders, teachers, community members and students share their feelings on why conducting accessibility assessments of school sites is an important and necessary step for school districts to take. The resource is described and introduced.

School Site Accessibility Assessment Tool - User Guide

This user guide provides information on the BC CAISE School Site Accessibility Assessment Tool, how it can be used by school and district teams, and how conducting the assessment can provide valuable information.

School Site Accessibility Assessment Tool

This is a school site accessibility assessment tool which can be used by district or school teams to assess the accessibility of their school. This resource should be used in conjunction with the User Guide.

Guide for Developing & Reviewing Accessible School District Policies - Video

This video provides a brief introduction to the BC CAISE resource: A Guide for Developing Accessibility-Focused School District Policies and Reviewing Existing Policies Through an Accessibility Lens. Educational leaders, teachers, community members and students share their feelings on why accessible and inclusive policy is important for school districts. The resource is described and introduced.

Guide for Developing & Reviewing Accessible School District Policies

This guide is intended to support B.C. school districts as the create new policy and review existing policy through and accessibility and inclusion lens. This resource was created to support school district policy review committees, however the information included in this resource would be valuable for all educators in B.C.

Supporting Students During The Pandemic and Beyond - Research Study

The purpose of this study was to expand on the existing knowledge base by hearing from professionals, working in British Columbia school systems, regarding the practices that were making a difference for students in their communities. We also sought to understand what guiding principles and specific strategies could propel educators forward, as we collectively moved forward from COVID-19.

Jumpstart Your Accessibility Plan - Recorded Webinar

This is a recording of a webinar which was provided for all B.C. school districts to support their work toward coming into compliance with the 2021 Accessible B.C. Act. It was intended to help jumpstart each school district’s work as they created their first Accessibility Plan.